Bostadsområdet Pruitt-Igoe i St Louis sprängdes den 15 juli 1972. "Sprängningen markerar slutet på den funktionalistiska epoken, eller snarare början till slutet", skriver Johan Rådberg i Drömmen om Atlantångaren - Utopier & myteri 1900-talets stadsbyggade. Här en lite annorlunda bild av livet i "high-rise hell", utifrån en reunionfest för dem som bodde i området:
Former residents fondly recall growing up in the massive concrete compound. Few offer bleak tales of the crime and vandalism, the crumbling disrepair, the months of insufferable heat. Rather, they speak of the sense of community they felt in Pruitt and Igoe, the twin subsidized-housing complexes separated by Division Street.
"Those were really some of the best years of my life," says Herman King, who grew up on the Pruitt side. "I've lived in Richmond Heights since 1971, but in the projects there was a sense of connectedness, a sense of closeness with your neighbors. In suburbia, it's just the opposite. I don't even know my neighbors' last names."
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