torsdag, november 24, 2005

Den här lär jag bli så illa tvungen att beställa: Frank Zappa, Captain Beefheart and the Secret History of Maximalism. Utdrag:
The convergence of food and performance is of course not new, and the Italian Futurists, to cite but one example, already prefigured the creations of performance artists such as Alicia Rios and Janine Antoni by subscribing to Marinetti’s famous dictum, "the distinction of the senses is arbitrary," which signalled the advent of a new maximalist (syn-)aesthetic promoting the dissociation of food from eating and encouraging the transformation of the gastronomic into the theatrical. The Futurists’s "Manifesto on Tactilism" (1921) introduced many synaesthetic experiments meant to maximalize the combination of sense experiences. These experiments included such idiosyncratic happenings as "Tactile Dinner Parties" and "Polyrhythmic salads" which were to be manipulated and consumed while listening to music and smelling natural essences. The Futurists’ "extremist banquet" featured many such culinary events separating food from its use-value and turning it into an aesthetic fetish whose main purpose was to teach Marinetti’s contemporaries how "to distinguish between things which serve to please the stomach and those destined to delight the eyes" (Futurist Cookbook 95).
Här finns ett smakprov från den futuristiska kokboken, "Against pasta":
Pastasciutta, 40 % less nutritious than meat, fish or pulses, ties today's Italians with its tangled threads to Penelope's slow looms and to somnolent old sailingships in search of wind. Why let its massive heaviness interfere with the immense network of short long waves which Italian genius has thrown across oceans and continents? Why let it block the path of those landscapes of colour form sound which circumnavigate the world thanks to radio and television? The defenders of pasta are shackled by its ball and chain like convicted lifers or carry its ruins in their stomachs like archaeologists. And remember too that the abolition of pasta will free Italy from expensive foreign grain and promote the Italian rice industry.