Idag firar vi Bloomsday på Ben Reagan Central (Ulysses lästes ut igår); här lite om Joyces copyrighttokiga barnbarn Stephen och den skada som EU:s nya upphovsrättslagar åsamkat Joyceforskningen:
This isn't the first time that Stephen Joyce has hurt the cause of scholarship about his grandfather. He threatened to sue the Irish Museum over its exhibition of Joyce's papers. He threatened to sue pubs in Ireland for allowing people to read aloud from Joyce's novels on Bloomsday, the celebration of Ulysses. He told symphonic composers that they couldn't put Joyce quotations in their symphonies.
Most tragically, there was a brief moment when Stephen Joyce was irrelevant. The works of James Joyce were in the public domain until the EU copyright directive extended copyright by 20 years, putting Joyce's books back into the care of his capricious grandson for decades.
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